The Inspiring Story of How She Won When the Odds Were Stacked So High Against Her

No one could have ever anticipated what would happen in the time following this photo.

As we celebrate Womens History Month, I wanted to share the story of a young woman I had the pleasure of meeting many years ago, in hopes it will lift and inspire you as you deflect the curve balls life has a way of throwing us all.  

                                              Meet Katie (Tracy) Kishore, college athlete bottom right

It's been 24 years this month since I took this photo during my first interview with these phenomenal UVA Soccer athletes for "Sports Journal," where an old friend Dan Smith was Editor. The comradery, and love of sports and these girls' exciting lives at UVA is clear in their enthusiastic expressions.  Even after a tough game against UNC- a formidable opponent at best, I distinctly remember their boundless and contagious energy post-game as we sat, ate pizza, and talked for hours. There was no end to their plans and dreams, and they all agreed that their coach, the unstoppable April Heindrich was an inspirational and driving force for them.  April had a successful career even before coming to prestigious UVA and brought a wealth of varied experiences to pass along to her team, which she would continue as coach for the U. S. Womens Olympic Soccer Team later.

Katie Kishore, bottom right was a two-sport athlete at UVA, winning letters in both soccer and basketball.  She was a determined, focused athlete and student, and in her senior year, she was also Co-Captain of both teams.  Katie went on to get her Masters degree in Charlottesville, and in 2010 she met Kris Kishore, a local teacher, lover of athletics, and also a former Wahoo.  

It was a whirlwind romance for the two UVA grads and Kris quickly swept Katie off her feet.   She said Kris was "a man who sought connection in every interaction,....and gifted with an exceptionally heavy dose of.... kindness," and they married in 2011.  Together, they agreed on an ambitious plan to be the team that spread kindness to others.  

The well planned out life Katie envisioned however, just wouldn't adhere to the same structure and discipline that she had always demanded of herself.  The Kishores settled down happily near their alma mater in Charlottesville and welcomed their first daughter about a year after they married.  Three years into their marriage, a second daughter blessed their lives. Unbeknownst to this couple living a beautiful life as well as giving back to their community, their lives would take a drastic turn no one would or could see happening to them. Kris was diagnosed with cancer only two months into Katie's pregnancy, but he was young and both he and Katie were determined to beat the odds for their growing family.  As they had done so many times on athletic fields.

Fate would again intervene, and sadly, Kris only knew his newest baby girl for 2 weeks, and then cancer tragically took him from them in 2014.  As seemingly uncomplicated and predictable as Katie had worked to make her life, life still wasn't finished throwing her curve balls and their beautiful new Kiran was diagnosed with Down Syndrome shortly after coming into their world.  

I could only imagine how devastated and alone I would feel losing the love of my life and still having to put on a brave and happy face for my children who would never know the wonderful father I'd chosen for them. As ambitious an endeavor as it was for her at a time when she faced so many unanticipated challenges, Katie knew she had to find an entirely new life and passion for her little family.  Reflecting on her situation as a young widow with two little ones and baby Kiran with Down Syndrome, Katie dug deep into the box of skills she'd learned playing sports, and into her heart remembering the kindness of her "K-Man," as he was nicknamed.  After much investigation and consternation, Katie realized her true passion was helping others and another whirlwind pummeled Katie a little farther south to North Carolina.  It was the trip that would forever change her life. An ambitious effort at best, when off she went, driving 6 hours with her two babies, her good friend, and friend's newborn to investigate - of all things, a cafe. 

Katie was once again doing what she had learned to do as an athlete.  Driving herself forward to the goal, outrunning opponents and anything in her way to a positive end for her team was what she'd always done and done well.  When the dust settled a little Katie would take a moment and reflected that she was good at rolling up her sleeves and working hard to make a vision a reality, she said. It was the only way to turn this story of heartache into the kind of story she wanted to tell and to teach.  Happily, her vision to "spread kindness - the real stuff," as she calls it, took shape and celebrated its second birthday last year in the form of her ever-expanding Kindness Cafe and its hard-working team.  Katie's goal to help those with cognitive disabilities, like her daughter Kiran, learn lifelong skills and create job opportunities in their community was the farthest thing from her mind way back when, but is now rewarding her daily.  Even when Covid set the grand opening back just a little, Katie made sure Kindness Cafe + Play was successfully launched in July 2020 and today permanently resides in the lobby of the Brooks Family YMCA in Charlottesville, VA.  

It's been a bittersweet story since I first met her, with her giant smile and impressive ambitions, and then catching up decades later. The determined college student I met was a dedicated athlete with her eyes fixed steadfastly on winning when I first interviewed her.  With a Masters degree in education, Katie had planned a predictable and relatively structured and calm life with her lifelong partner. Life's been anything but that for Katie, and now she's taken time to sit back and reflect on where she's been and what it's taught her.  

I asked Katie what she would now tell her younger self at the beginning of her Soccer ambitions.  Here's what she said. "I really loved playing soccer and I still love the sport. I would certainly encourage my younger self to pursue soccer. I'd likely say the same 3 reminders we tell my daughters at the beginning of every practice and game - 1. Have fun. 2. Work hard. 3. Be a great teammate." 

When I asked her what advice she would give to others with ambitions to become college and professional athletes, she said: "I think the number one requirement is you have to love playing and training. If you don't enjoy the process, it's probably not the right path. However, if you love it, then go for it. Set goals. Create positive habits. And focus on the process." 

Finally, when I asked her, given all you’ve learned about life, what will you tell your little girls when they're planning their future, as you were so many years ago when you announced you wanted to be an athlete?  Katie's learned so much about life in so few years, and this was her passionate answer: "In my experience as well as based on my reading, the most important parts of life are establishing meaningful connections with others and having a sense of purpose. Whether you pursue athletics or something else, focus on creating positive relationships with others and nurture your friendships. And in whatever you do, do it well and do it with purpose. 

If you don't do anything else today, visit their sites to see the happy faces and read the inspiring stories of the men and women meeting their cognitive disabilities head on training, learning, and enjoying every single day. Kindness Cafe, because of Katie and the benevolent people who used their skills and formed a team with her, are giving back to this community in ways no one ever dreamed 23 years ago. As for their employees, they are getting the chance they need and want to train, learn, inspire, and prove themselves to make their little corner of the world a better place for all of us. 

You can follow her and receive updates via email for rewarding stories of how she and her new team continue to grow and inspire. And if you're looking for a trip through the beautiful Virginia mountains, stop in and meet Team Kindness at 151 McIntyre Park Drive in Charlottesville, VA 22902.  Check their website, for their hours and special activities always going on there. 

For more details about Katies impressive athletic career, there's an excellent article at:

Grab your tissues and read,, for more about Kindness Cafe's heartwarming and visionary beginning. 

To learn more, follow and connect to her latest initiatives, visit them at: @kindnesscville, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.


Unknown said…
Katie sounds like a wonderful role model. Great story!
Penelope said…
To be honest, I was shocked when we caught up with each other again and I'd learned all she'd been through. Her story is bittersweet but to learn how she's turned her life around and how she is helping so many people was truly amazing to me. I'm glad you enjoyed it and thank you for reading my posts.

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