Swan Lake And Iris Gardens Will Offer You a Lot More Than Irises
The promised beauty of Swan Lake Iris Gardens in Sumter, South Carolina lured me out from my long Covid isolation last week, and despite the surprises of the sudden gas shortage and an especially hearty rainstorm, it far exceeded my expectations. It’s promised to be “ home to some of the nation's most intensive plantings of Japanese iris” at https://www.sumtersc.gov/community/swanlake . To my surprise, all eight species of Swans inhabit the gardens. I was ecstatic to discover that some have already hatched, like this little cygnet and its Black Swan parents who brought their newborn out to get acquainted with it's new home. Judging from all the nesting birds and a bit of fowl canoodling that I witnessed this past week, visitors can anticipate seeing more new things emerging than the beautiful flowers and Japanese Iris that appear to be r...