How Do You Grow the Perfect Japanese Iris and the Annual Rhizome Rodeo in Sumter, SC ?!
The Sumter Master Gardeners have already begun digging in – literally, in preparation for Swan Lake and Iris Gardens’ annual Iris Festival Memorial Day weekend 2022. When Sumter Master Gardener, Sheryn LaVanish told me Tuesday afternoon that she would be going to their annual iris dig early the next morning, I knew I had to be there to learn more about the iris I want to add to my pollinator bed. I quickly threw some things in my car and hit the road to watch these dedicated volunteers work at what they’ve been perfecting for decades. And work they did! From Left to Right, Pat Sakole, Sandi Strickland, Pat Petty, Marie Hill, Mary Jean Dowling, and Pat Kennedy working, but clearly also enjoying playing in the dirt at their assigned station. Jan Hilton, President of the Sumter Master Gardeners tried to find some shade in her quest to get as dirty as possible for the cause Nobody and nothing escaped the large amount of dirt slung that day (in a ...