Surprising Encounter with Humans of the Cetacea Kind
Sometimes you only need a photo to tell a story. This is one of those times. Scientists have been studying whales and dolphins for years, debating to what extent Cetacea may seek to foster a social relationship with humans, and also with each other. On several occasions on my whale watching jaunts I have seen whales seeming to purposefully interact with the humans in boats, so while I don’t have a proven scientific theory, I am convinced they seek us out – in one way or another. On many occasions, they swam leisurely back and forth, coming close then swimming away and circling under the boat as if enjoying the excitement and laughter of its human occupants. Frequently whales have suddenly surfaced literally out of the blue; meandered at the surface to the edge of the boat and blown a thick stream through its blow hole with its pungent, rotten fish smell all over the humans standing excitedly close to the edge. One has to wonder if it's truly a mista...