The Outcome Could Have Been Very Different for This Spicey Jalapeno

This seemingly happy animal was my first seal rescue when I worked with a Virginia aquarium and science center stranding team a few years ago to rescue marine animals. He was a juvenile Harbor Seal discovered rolling helplessly in the surf. By the time his almost lifeless body was discovered, the typical juvenile stamina and energy seals possess had drained from him. Harbor Seals frequent these shores in Hampton Roads, and occasionally will pop onto the beach to rest. But clearly, this limp incapacitated seal was no local visitor, merely there for a short nap. And typically Harbor Seal rescuees are not the docile adorable creatures they appear, with large innocent puppy dog eyes. They’re cranky and feisty and ready to bite whatever gets anywhere near their mouths. Consequently, the marine scientists and biologists I worked with had developed a great sense of humor to keep us from feeling as depressed and alarmed as the animals we...