Can we Capture Ghosts, Orbs and Other Paranormal Events With a Camera? Happy Halloween!


Obviously, this isn't a ghost, an orb, or even paranormal.  It's simply a skeleton-albeit a rather large one that I discovered and was impressed by its creative posers who placed it in an especially precarious and intriguing way to get us all in the spirit of Halloween. Not to mention, my admiration for the people who bravely climbed up this mast, to get skel' up so high!

This curious photo however, wasn't staged nor even edited or tweaked, and begs more investigation into the question if we can capture paranormal activity with our cameras.  It was taken in an old mine and had the same low lighting around it as in the rest of this mine.  Although I'd snapped many photos throughout my tour of this mine, none looked like this.  There were small round lights installed throughout, to help people see where they were walking but all showed up as simply small, round lights and certainly with no reflection all the way around the walls and on the ceiling.  Some investigators of this age-old question have speculated that we are capturing dust in our photos.  There was a huge amount of dust in this mine but no one can explain why "dust" in this entire mine only showed up in my photos of this particular doorway.

I had to know more.  A receptionist outside the mine, charged with taking money for the tours had an interesting explanation when I showed her my photos.  For one, she said that she'd stopped going inside the mine many years ago after hearing curious sounds and other unexplainable events when she was merely doing her job, checking to see if anyone was left inside the mine at closing.

When I asked her if any miners had ever been killed in the mine, she answered immediately with an enthusiastic "Absolutely!  Hundreds were killed when they were crushed at that very spot, pointing to this photo while trying to escape one particularly large and deadly cave in."

Intrigued, on another completely unrelated photo-exploration I also took photos of Indian ruins in the desert where thousands had made their homes, worshipped and traded there for millenniums.  Yes, and had died or been killed there.  

Surprisingly, they also displayed curious and unexplainable shapes of light, no matter what lens I used; whether I used a Nikon or my Sonies, or where I positioned myself, or the time of day and weather.  To add to my curiosity, descendants I interviewed were sure they could identify some of the curious shapes as their ancestors who had led less than an exemplary life and weren't allowed to pass on to an afterlife, as was their belief.  

Stay tuned for more photos!


Anonymous said…
Wow! Great pictures and fascinating ball story. Loved it!

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