Seeing Mating Dragonflies Assures True Love, Now and in the Future According to Old Wisdom
This is How Courtin' is Done in The South Dragonflies have survived here for millions of years and they are the stuff of romance in their enthralling lore and captivating superstitions to many. Many perceive and adopt them as their "spirit animal" for this very reason. Their mating ritual however is anything but romantic, definitely not enjoyable for the female, and I wondered how the species has survived for so long. Read on. It was mid September in the south so I was on a hike and a mission to see what the last blast of summer would offer me. At first I could only see a hint of what I thought may be a dragonfly. Dragonflies frequently mate mid air and the scientific term for their ritual is, "tandem linkage," for obvious reasons. What are the chances they would be in the precise time and destined place in their mating ritual that I could not only see them,but have enough time to complete this shot. I think painting this would be very enjoyable, both in acr...